About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Early Start....

Yes, that's right, I am teaching an early residency. At Walter Reed, an Early Start school in Englewood, I have to step in the class by 8:15 AM for my first class. Yes, I know what you're thinking..."Isn't that interferring with your poetry sleep time?" No, not really. I get up at 6 AM any way or before sometimes. This school has been a wonderful blessing. One, the students are soo excited when I get there, it's like I"m at home. Secondly, the staff treats me well, including the principal and MCLT's (Thanks Everyone for making me feel at home), especially Camille Williams my onsite liason! I am doing collaborations with Mr. Garland (5/6th graders), Ms. Lapota (8th grade) and Ms. Tomlinson (3rd grade). It's been very fun and exciting.

We have spent the first two weeks on poets that I love - Nikki Giovanni, Eloise Greenfield and a few others.

My question on the first week was: who do you love and why? We read Ann's poem by Nikki Giovanni and used her poem as the basis for our dedication poems. Please enjoy the poems below they came from the heart of the students...

My Mom
Johnny J. - Tomlinson (3)

My mom is fluidity
My mom is nice
My mom is so beautiful
My mom can sing
My mom...so full of love.
Moms are so beautiful

Sha'Juan H. - Garland (5/6)

I have lots of fun with Dad
My love goes to my Dad
Because he buys me
He lives in Wisconsin
I visit for the summer

This outstanding poem, reminds me exactly of the sample poem by Nikki Giovanni. One because the writer (Torriana C. used the same format of the poem and I didn't ask for it, so it was done naturally and great as a pattern). Secondly, because Torriana used the same transition that Nikki G. did in the sample poem.

I love the passion of the words. They felt warm to me and very genuine.

My Poem
Torriana C. - Lapota (7/8th grade)

This is a poem for my Mom
so it has to be great
it has to be fun
it has to be terrific
This is a poem from my Mom
so it has to shine
it has to be strong
it has to be important
This is a poem for my Mom
so it has to be happy
it has to love
it has to take risks
This is a poem for my Mom
let it express
let it see the world
let it sing and dance
This is a poem for my Mom
so it is full of passion

Please check back in a few weeks for more great poetry by the students of Walter Reed Elementary School in Englewood.

Pam Osbey
Artist in Resident
Poetry Center of Chicago